Thursday, February 18, 2016

iMore - The #1 site for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and all things Apple!

Posted by Unknown on 9:43 AM with 4 comments

iMore - The #1 site for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and all things Apple!

FAQ: Everything you need to know about Apple, encryption, and the FBI

Posted: 18 Feb 2016 09:11 AM PST

There's a lot of information going around the internet about Apple, encryption, and what the FBI wants. Here's everything you need to know.

Apple's privacy, security and encryption policies are getting quite a bit of air time and column space this week after company CEO Tim Cook's open letter on privacy. If you're not sure what's going on, why Apple's refusing the FBI, or what's at stake, we've got you covered: Read on, and we'll tell you everything you need to know about the situation.

So Tim Cook wrote a letter about privacy?

He did. You can find it at

Why did he do this? And on Apple's website?

Over the past year, some officials inside U.S. law enforcement have been advocating for a "back door" into the encryption systems that Apple (and other tech companies) use to secure your data. This exploit would allow the government to more easily gather evidence that may exist on iPhones — messages, photos, location data, and more — and theoretically use it to take down criminals.

Unfortunately, once an exploit exists — even if it's supposed to exist solely for the use of law enforcement — it's almost impossible to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. As such, Tim Cook feels very strongly about protecting the overall integrity of Apple's encryption systems.

The reason we saw this letter this week, however, has to do with the FBI's San Bernadino terrorism case: One of the shooters owned an iPhone 5c — an iPhone 5c that the FBI has yet to be able to crack.

As such, the FBI is using an archaic law from 1789 called the "All Writs Act" to demand Apple's help: The bureau wants Apple's engineers to create a new version of iOS, specific to the iPhone 5c, that would circumvent security and allow an iPhone to be more easily broken into using what's called a "brute force attack" — trying the passcode over and over again until the right one is found.

To clarify, they're currently not asking Apple to break its own encryption — the FBI just wants Apple to make it easier for the bureau to find the passcode to the phone.

Can Apple even do this? I thought iPhones had hardware encryption to prevent software side-loading.

While the iPhone 6 and later models offer the Secure Enclave, which adds a specific hardware-based encryption key to the device's passcode and iOS encryption key, all iPhone models can be potentially exploited with a software side-load from Apple and Apple alone.

That's because Apple has a private key that allows the company to deliver software updates to your iPhone. It's how you can securely download normal software updates online; when Apple pushes out an update, it signs that update with its private key, which tells iOS that the software is legitimate.

For more on what the FBI is asking, read Christina Warren's excellent Mashable piece and Matthew Panzarino's TechCrunch explainer on Apple and side-loading software.

In short: While Apple does have the technical ability to create such an exploit, the company and Cook are resisting on the grounds that once security is violated, no matter what the reason, it will be infinitely easier to violate it again in the future by governments and criminals alike.

Why is the FBI coming to Apple? Don't they have super hackers who can crack the company's software?

While it appears that government agencies have been putting extensive work into finding exploits, Apple's hardware and software encryption is exceedingly difficult to crack. The company made it that way for a reason: If hackers employed by the FBI could crack iOS's encryption without help, chances are there's a computer expert in China or Russia who could do the same.

As such, instead of trying to crack Apple's unbreakable encryption, the FBI wants Apple's cooperation in creating a version of iOS that makes it possible to brute force the iPhone's password without erasing the device. (Currently, iOS devices can be set to auto-erase after ten failed passcode attempts.) The bureau also wants Apple to put in code to brute force the passcode electronically, so computing power can be used over the FBI's human resources.

Getting Apple's help would set a precedent for future cases involving tech companies and accessing encrypted data. If the FBI gets its way, it could give government agencies a path to compel any private company to put back doors in its systems in the interest of national security — and we've seen what the government has done with such exploits in the past.

Why didn't the FBI just ask Apple for the phone's iCloud backup?

The FBI did, in fact. From the Guardian:

With a search warrant, Apple provided the FBI data from weekly backups Farook made with Apple's iCloud service. But those backups stopped on 19 October, according to a federal search warrant request.

FBI investigators believed there was more data about Farook's motives in the phone but couldn't get to it without unlocking the device.

In order to further investigate, the bureau wants Apple to help them unlock the iPhone so that they can potentially access two more months of locally-stored data before the attack.

How does the All Writs Act come into this?

The All Writs Act, part of the Judiciary Act of 1789, is an ancient law that, in recent years, has been used by federal and state law enforcement to compel companies to help them break into smartphones.

The text of the act is as follows:

(a) The Supreme Court and all courts established by Act of Congress may issue all writs necessary or appropriate in aid of their respective jurisdictions and agreeable to the usages and principles of law.

(b) An alternative writ or rule nisi may be issued by a justice or judge of a court which has jurisdiction.

In regards to this case, the All Writs Act is being used because no specific legislation has been passed to otherwise govern the rules over how the government should handle strongly encrypted digital devices. Apple is, in turn, arguing that the FBI is overstepping its bounds with its interpretation of the law.

Is encrypting even legal in the first place?

Yes, encrypting your data is currently legal. There are bills floating in certain state legislatures at present that would make encrypting illegal, but as Wired explains, those proposed laws would be nigh-impossible to enforce without a national ban. And cryptographers and security researchers all over the world are against a national ban for the sake of making it easier for law enforcement, arguing that it would greatly weaken an average individual's privacy and security in exchange for receiving data on a small number of criminals.

Why is encryption important to me?

Encryption keeps your data safe. That includes your pictures, messages, locations, financial information, health data, and more. If this data isn't safe, it can be stolen and potentially used to access your money, to blackmail you or humiliate you, to find evidence against you for crimes for which you have not even been suspected, and more.

What if you were the victim? Wouldn't you want Apple to help the FBI get any and all data possible?

More than anything. That said, we've heard this argument before: It's been used to rationalize other invasions of privacy, torture, and other extreme measures. It's also in part why victims aren't allowed to be involved in the criminal justice process.

The FBI's San Bernadino case is an emotional one, and I don't think anyone at Apple has any great desire to prevent the bureau from doing its job. The company has always complied with legal warrants and subpoenas, and even has a page documenting requests and what kind of information can be released.

But when making a decision that has the potential to impact millions of customers — most of them law-abiding — Apple has to think beyond the case at hand to the larger impact. The FBI may be pitching this as a one-time, specific-to-this-iPhone-5c unlock, but it would set precedent for decades to come.

As with all legal matters — even emotionally-charged ones — it's important to take in the big picture. Once a process exists for one phone, that process could be replicated against others, legitimately or otherwise.

I don't get it. If it's only a one-time code and only Apple and the FBI have it, how could it affect my devices?

Two reasons: Precedent, and leaks.

We've talked about precedent above, but the one thing we haven't covered is international precedent: namely, what happens if the U.S. government wants to demand information from Samsung or another internationally-held company? Say an international company agrees to let the U.S. have a back door into their software. Once this happens, the chances are pretty great that the company's home country will want that back door, too, as will other international entities. You may feel comfortable letting the FBI look at the phone of a domestic terrorist, but what happens when it's Chinese intelligence deciding to take an American tourist's phone and hack it because they suspect spycraft?

As we wrote here on iMore:

Make no mistake, what is being asked of Apple should horrify not just those in the U.S. but around the world. Nothing made can be unmade. Nothing used once will only ever be used once. The moment after an easy way to brute-force passcodes exists we, none of us, will be safe. A few criminals may be more easily investigated, but catastrophically more people will be subject to unlawful searches, hacks, theft, blackmail, and other crimes. Everywhere.

Read Cook's letter again, but substitute the FBI for Chinese Intelligence. Imagine China, soon to be a bigger market for Apple than even the U.S., making this demand so they can more easily track and prosecute those they claim to be criminals. Then imagine it being used by governments at war with their own citizens. Now do it again, but this time with Russia's FSB. Or once more with the NSA.

Leaks are the other dangerous factor in this equation: If Apple is forced to comply with the FBI's order, chances are the company will be forced to do this again for other devices in the future, and for other agencies. It's easy for the FBI to say "task your software engineers on a custom version of iOS for this very high-profile terrorist case," but Apple doesn't have the resources to do this for, say, an NYPD case involving a missing person with the criminal's phone left at the scene of the crime. Chances are, government agencies would ask Apple and other tech companies to create a more free-form back door — one that could be used on more iPhone models.

Once that back door exists, every law enforcement agency in the U.S. is going to want it. And once every agency has access, that widely opens up who has direct control over the code. From there, all it takes is one corrupt or angry official to put that information online.

We're a long way from that scenario becoming reality right now, but that's the big reason why Apple's fighting — to keep it firmly in the "what if" column.

If you want more info, Macworld contributor Rich Mogull wrote an incredible piece on the long-term implications of the FBI's request.

What's happening now?

Apple has very publicly rejected the FBI's court order and will likely appeal; from there, it will likely bounce around the court system. In addition, the House of Representatives's judiciary committee is expected to hold a hearing on the first of March regarding the issue and has invited Apple, according to the Guardian.

There's also the question of whether Congress will act to pass a law that compels Apple — and any other tech company — to do what the FBI is demanding of them. In an interview with PBS, California U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein implied that the Senate would examine passing such legislation if Apple refused the court order.

What can I do to help?

First and foremost: Educate people who don't understand the issue. Security issues can be murky and hard to make sense of; by walking your friends and family through the conflict, you can help clear up what's going on.

You can also write to your U.S. senators, or to California Senator Diane Feinstein of the Senate Intelligence Committee, who's calling for Apple to allow the FBI access.

In addition, both the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the ACLU are throwing their support behind Apple.

I still have questions about this whole thing.

Pop them in the comments and we'll try our best to help.

Firefox for iPhone and iPad adds support for 3D Touch, Spotlight search, and more

Posted: 18 Feb 2016 09:08 AM PST

Firefox for iPhone and iPad has arrived at version 2.0, adding several new conveniences to its browsing experience. The browser now supports 3D Touch on the iPhone 6s, both for quick actions on the app icon, as well as peek and pop inside the app. This version also lets you search within a page and supports Spotlight search.

Check out the major new features in Firefox 2.0:

  • Open Firefox tabs from the home screen with 3D Touch -Preview pages on your tab list with Peek and Pop -Open web pages in Firefox in Spotlight Search -Find words and phrases on a web page with Find in Page -Save and manage login information with Password Manager

You'll find Firefox 2.0 right now on the App Store.

How to get started using Raspberry Pi

Posted: 18 Feb 2016 09:00 AM PST

Get the basics for setting up Raspberry Pi.

The Raspberry Pi is a mini computer that was specifically created to make tech learning easier. It has a lot of components for computer-based projects, like USB ports, an ethernet port, an SD card slot, Wi-Fi antenna ports, and more.

It does not come with peripherals, like cables, a keyboard, a mouse, or a monitor. It is a great for learning program languages, like Python, Scratch, and Wolfram. Most Raspberry Pi enthusiasts like making single-process builds to show off their do-it-yourself talents.

For example, you could create a dedicated gaming device, or an external storage box for movies and music. There are a plethora of Raspberry Pi Projects that cover all manner of possibilities, each one with different specifications. We have a guide for getting started with Raspberry Pi to help you understand what you will need for your first (or next) project.

What you will need

The Raspberry Pi ships as just the single-board mini computer. There are a few additional components you will need before you can get started. So, when making your purchase, keep in mind that you'll need the following extras.

  1. Raspberry Pi — There are four different models of Raspberry Pi. The Pi 2 Model B or Pi 1 Model B+ are ideal for beginner projects because they are the most versatile and have the widest range of capabilities. The Pi 2 Model B has the added bonus of having a quad-core processor and 1 GB of RAM so it supports heavier operating systems, like Ubuntu and Microsoft 10.
  2. Power supply — You will need a 5V micro-USB power supply. You can find them for really cheap online. You may even have one from a non-apple mobile device lying around the house. I recommend the CanaKit 5V power supply.
  3. USB keyboard
  4. USB mouse — If you prefer to use a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse, you could just get a Bluetooth adapter. I have a Kinivo BTD-400, but there are dozens of different brands out there.
  5. microSD card — The microSD card must have at least 8 GB of storage. You can purchase one that comes pre-loaded with Raspberry Pi's New Out of Box Software (NOOBS), but you can also download the software for free from the website, so there is no need to purchase a special NOOBS microSD card.
  6. microSD USB card reader — You'll need something that you can connect the microSD card to your PC or Mac in order to download software onto it. Adafruit carries one that is perfect for Raspberry Pi, but you can pick one up at just about any electronics or office supply store.
  7. A monitor or TV that supports HDMI or composite video — You can use an older composite video display, but HDMI works better and supports audio transfers.
  8. An HDMI cable or composite video cable, depending on what the screen you use supports
  9. An ethernet cable (or Wi-Fi dongle) — A connection to the Internet is not required for setup, but many Raspberry Pi projects use them.

How to reformat your microSD card

The first step to getting started with Raspberry Pi is to reformat the microSD card that you will use to download the operating system. Even brand new SD cards will have some extraneous files on them. Reformatting it will remove all files and completely clear the card.

  1. Insert your microSD card into the USB card reader.

  2. Connect the card reader to your computer.
  3. Download SD Formatter 4.0.

  4. Double-click on SDFormatter_4.00B.pkg in your downloads folder in your Dock to install SD Formatter 4.0.

  5. Follow the instructions in the installation window.
  6. Click the Launchpad icon in your Dock. It looks like a silver rocket ship.

  7. Find the SD Formatter 4.0 app.
  8. To move between Launchpad windows, click the Next Page icons at the bottom center of the screen, or swipe to the right or left with your trackpad or Magic Mouse.
  9. Click on the SD Formatter 4.0 app to open it. A formatting window will appear on your desktop.

  10. Under Select Card select your microSD card from the dropdown menu.
  11. Click Format in the bottom right corner.

When the reformat is complete, you will get a notification window. Select OK to close the window.

How to download NOOBS onto the microSD card

The next step is to get NOOBS onto the microSD card. Once it's loaded, you can plug it into your Raspberry Pi and configure the operating system. The microSD card should already be connected to your computer at this time.

  1. Download the ZIP file of NOOBS Verson 1.7.0. It is a large file and will take a while to complete. You will want Raspbian, so do not download NOOBS Lite.

  2. Double-click on the NOOBS file from the Downloads folder in your Dock to open it.

  3. Select the first file inside the NOOBS folder.
  4. Scroll down and Shift + left-click on the last file in the NOOBS folder.
  5. Drag and drop all selected NOOBS files into the SD card icon on your desktop. You don't have to open the SD card drive.

  6. Right-click on the SD card icon.
  7. Select "Eject [SD Card Name]".

  8. Remove the card reader from your computer.
  9. Remove the microSD card from the card reader.

How to set up your Raspberry Pi

  1. Insert the microSD card into the card slot on the underside of the Raspberry Pi.

  2. Plug the USB keyboard into one of the USB ports.
  3. Plug the USB mouse into one of the USB ports

    Alternatively, connect the Bluetooth adapter into one of the USB ports.

  4. Turn on your monitor or TV set and make sure it is set to the proper input (e.g. HDMI 1 or Component)
  5. Plug the HDMI or video component cable into the monitor or TV set.
  6. Connect the other end of the cable into the Raspberry Pi.

  7. Connect an ethernet cable to your router if you plan to connect to the Internet.
  8. Connect the other end of the cable to your Raspberry Pi.

    Alternately, connect the Wi-Fi adapter to the Raspberry Pi.

  9. Connect the power supply to the Raspberry Pi.
  10. Plug the power supply into the power outlet. This will turn on and boot up Raspberry Pi.

    A power indicator light will begin to glow, letting you know that you are connected,

How to download the Raspbian operating system on the Raspberry Pi

Beginners should start off using the Raspbian operating system. It it the easiest to use and there are hundreds of projects out there that use the Raspbian operating system. If you want to use a different operating system later on, you can reconfigure your Raspberry Pi then.

Once you have successfully followed the steps above, a start screen will appear on your monitor or TV.

  1. Select Raspbian.
  2. Click Install.

  3. When the warning window pops up. Click Yes to confirm. This is just letting you know that the microSD card will be overwritten with an uncompressed version of the Raspbian operating system.
  4. Wait for the installation process to complete.

Once the installation process is finished, Raspbian will automatically begin to boot.

How to configure your Raspberry Pi

When Raspbian begins to load a bunch of lines of code will appear. This will continue until the boot process has completed. Then, the Raspbian Home screen will appear. You will need to configure your Raspberry Pi system in order to add your location, date, and time.

  1. Click Menu in the upper left corner of the screen.

  2. Select Preferences in the dropdown menu.

  3. Select Raspberry Pi Configuration under Preferences.

  4. When the configuration window appears, click on the Localisation tab.
  5. Click on Set Locale… to set your location.
  6. Click on Set timezone… to set your local time.
  7. Click on Set Keyboard… to set your keyboard language.

  8. Reconfiguring your Raspberry Pi will require a reboot. When the reboot window appears, click Yes to continue.

You are set up and ready to start using Raspberry Pi. The mini computing world is your oyster. The only question now is, what project will you build?

Microsoft Translator for iPhone can now translate text from saved images

Posted: 18 Feb 2016 08:52 AM PST

iPhone owners can now translate the text found on a photo with the latest update to the Microsoft Translator app. The image translation feature, which has been included in the Windows and Windows Phone versions of the app for several years, is now available for iPhone owners as well.

Microsoft stated:

"This feature lets you translate text from your camera roll or saved pictures. Rather than typing the text or speaking aloud, you can translate pictures from your phone with the translation appearing in an overlay above the existing text in the picture. Translation from your camera roll is great for translating signs, menus, and flyers; and translation of saved images is perfect for images from emails, the Internet, and social media.

21 languages are currently supported with the image translation feature for the iPhone version:

  • Chinese Simplified
  • Chinese Traditional
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Finnish
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
  • Turkish

Source: Microsoft

Apple finds support from EFF and ACLU in privacy fight

Posted: 18 Feb 2016 08:05 AM PST

Both the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) have announced their support for Apple in its opposition to a court order requiring the company to help unlock the iPhone 5c of one of the San Bernardino shooters. The EFF says that it will be filing an amicus brief in support of Apple's stance, arguing that this order could set a precedent for future cases.

From the EFF:

Essentially, the government is asking Apple to create a master key so that it can open a single phone. And once that master key is created, we're certain that our government will ask for it again and again, for other phones, and turn this power against any software or device that has the audacity to offer strong security.

Meanwhile, the ACLU had this to say:

The government's request also risks setting a dangerous precedent. If the FBI can force Apple to hack into its customers' devices, then so too can every repressive regime in the rest of the world. Apple deserves praise for standing up for its right to offer secure devices to all of its customers.

In response to the court order, Apple CEO Tim Cook posted a letter to customers, explaining the company's opposition to the measure. Like the EFF, Apple is worried about the precedent it would set, and what Apple might be asked to do in the future. Apple has also received statements of support in their position from the co-founder of WhatsApp, along with Google CEO Sundar Pichi.

Source: EFF, ACLU

Apple, the FBI, and your privacy under siege

Apple to launch new iPhone upgrade trade-in program with installment feature

Posted: 18 Feb 2016 07:58 AM PST

If you want to trade in an old phone for a new iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus, Apple is planning to introduce a new device trade-in program that will allow you to do just that. The program is called Trade Up With Installments, and is reportedly launching today.

According to USA Today, the new Trade Up With Installments will be made available in addition to Apple's traditional iPhone Upgrade Program which lets users get credit for a new iPhone by trading in an older phone. The new Trade Up With Installments program will allow users to trade in an old iPhone, Android or Windows Phone device for a new iPhone model, but then use that credit to pay for the new phone under a 24-month installment program.

For example, if you step up from an iPhone 4 to an iPhone 5S, you'll pay $14.58 a month for 24 months. If you move from an iPhone 6 to a 6S, the monthly tab is $14.54. To take the most extreme example, to move from the iPhone 4 to the largest-capacity (128 GB) iPhone 6S Plus, you'll pay $35.37 a month.

There will also be the option to trade in an older phone and simply get a one-time credit towards the purchase of a new iPhone, ranging from $100 for an iPhone 4 to $350 for an iPhone 6s. Credits for Android and Windows Phone devices were not disclosed.

Apple's motivation? There are still lots of people using older iPhones who the company would like to see upgrade. According to recent remarks made by Apple CEO Tim Cook, some 60% of the current crop of iPhone owners have not yet upgraded to an iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6S or 6S Plus.

Trade in your iPhone at Apple

Source: USA Today

Sprint's latest plans offer double the data of Verizon plans for the same price

Posted: 18 Feb 2016 07:47 AM PST

Sprint has introduced a new set of plans, dubbed the Better Choice Plans, which take aim at Verizon's S, M, L, XL and XXL buckets, but offer double the data for the same price. The carrier has run numerous promotions in the past to get customers to switch to its network, like slashing monthly bills in half, but this is a great way for customers to get large data buckets at a more affordable price.

Sprint's data buckets will start at 3GB a month for $30, which Verizon only offers 1GB for $30 or 3GB for $45 a month currently. The plans will go as high as 40GB a month for $100 under its XXL bucket, which only nets you 18GB a month from Verizon. To further entice customers to make the switch, Sprint is still offering to cover up to $650 per line in switching costs when moving from another carrier. These new plans go into effect on Friday, Feb. 19.

Shop Sprint plans

Source: Sprint

Dawn of Gods will let you crush your enemies with the wrath of mythical legends

Posted: 18 Feb 2016 07:10 AM PST

Aeria Games has launched a new free-to-play title on both iPhone and iPad. Dawn of Gods is a new strategy title that puts you in command of your own base, which you'll need to build up and fortify, all whilst planning your own raids with conjured armies. As well as mere mortals, you'll have 150 mythical Gods to summon, who will gladly unleash their power and crush your opponents.

"Combining the tactics of a base-building game with the addictiveness of a card battle game, Dawn of Gods reaches an unparalleled level of depth in the mobile strategy genre. Over 150 Gods from Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythology are waiting to be summoned, including legendary figures like Zeus, Odin, Isis, and many more. Each God has a unique skill that they can use on the battlefield, and they can level up and grow stronger from experience. Lesser Gods can also be sacrificed to improve stronger ones, or even be reborn into more powerful forms!"

Excited? You should be, Gods and armies can be deployed in six different battle modes, including competitive PvP raiding, single-player conquest, among others. In the end, it's another freemium game, so if you're not a massive fan of Clash of Clans and the like then Dawn of Gods may not be up your street. That said, give the game a download and let us know your impressions in the comments.

Best photo backup services for iPhone, iPad, and Mac

Posted: 18 Feb 2016 07:00 AM PST

Back up your photos before you lose them all!

Arguably the most important things we carry around with us on our iPhones are our photos. They're personal, unique, and irreplaceable captures of moments in our lives, and if something were to happen to and we hadn't properly backed them up, then our treasured memories would be lost forever. There are a handful of fantastic apps for backing up and storing your photos in the cloud, which will keep them safe no matter what happens to your iPhone. It all depends on what features you think are most important. Here are some of our favorites.

Apple iCloud Photo Library

For those fully immersed in the Apple ecosystem, the iCloud Photo library is a must-have. Not only can you automatically backup all of your photos the moment you take a picture on your iPhone, but you can also quickly access them from any Apple device instantly, including iPhone and iPad, Mac, Apple TV, and any computer or mobile device via High resolution originals are stored in iCloud, while smaller mobile versions are kept on your iOS device, saving precious storage space while giving you access to all of your photos.

The Photos app on iOS and Mac has basic photo editing features, like cropping, retouching, adding filters and manually adjusting levels, white balance, and other tweaks. With iCloud Photo Sharing, you can show off your vacation pics to friends and family with iOS devices so they can "like" and comment on them.

Cloud storage for Apple is free for the first 5 GB and jumps up to 50 GB for only $0.99 per month. The average person will need more than 5 GB (especially because iCloud storage syncs more than just your photos — it's also where your iPhone backs up). The 50 GB tier is just right for most users at just $12 a year. If you need more, iCloud storage pricing is reasonable with 200 GB costing $2.99 and 1 TB running $9.99.

If you are an Apple family, the iCloud Photo Library is deeply integrated into all of your devices and keeps your original photos safe and easily accessible across multiple devices.

Amazon Photos

If you have an Amazon Prime account, storage limits are not an issue when it comes to backing up your photos. You can take advantage of unlimited storage to automatically upload all of your pictures to Amazon Cloud. The desktop app, Amazon Cloud Drive, grabs all pictures from your computer automatically, while the iOS app uploads your entire camera roll (including iCloud Photo Library pics). Photos are accessible from Amazon's iOS Photos app, desktop Cloud Drive app, or your Amazon Cloud account via the web.

Amazon Photos does not have any editing features, but it has decent organizational tools that let you quickly create albums and sort pictures by date. You can easily share individual photos, or share an entire album, using the app Share feature, to email, SMS, Facebook, Twitter, and more.

If you have a massive amount of photos, especially high-resolution pictures that take up a lot of data, and you have an Amazon Prime account, the Amazon Cloud service is a great way to backup your photos without worrying about space.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom with Creative Cloud

Adobe's photo editing service, Lightroom, is an amazing, feature-rich application for photography enthusiasts and professionals. With Creative Cloud, you can access and edit images across multiple devices and sync changes as you work. The key to Adobe's service is project creation and photo editing. You must have a Creative Cloud account, which costs $9.99 per month, to upload and sync photos and edits, but the service also includes access to a number of photo and video project apps, like Photoshop, Slate, and more.

Once uploaded, you can meticulously adjust picture quality using the histogram, tone curve, split-tone, noise reduction, lens correction, camera calibration, and more. All of your changes are immediately available between desktop and mobile devices.

It is ideal for taking your pictures one step further. If you are a heavy photo editor and want access to robust and professional tools, Lightroom is a great backup service to use.

Google Photos

These days, practically everyone is connected to Google in some way or another, whether it is through Gmail, Hangouts, or YouTube. Having a Google account can be beneficial if you want to use the company's cloud storage to backup your photos. You can add pictures to Google Drive, which will automatically sync to the Photos app, or backup your entire collection of pictures using the Desktop uploader and iOS app.

Google Photos provides some pretty amazing organizational tools. For example, it will automatically recognize such things as people, places, food, and events, and organize them into collections for you. Plus, you can build your own personal albums, or create shared albums that others can access via a link. You can even let the recipients add their own content to a shared album.

Google Photos also includes some basic editing features, like adding filters, tweaking lighting, and color balances.

Google Drive includes 15 GB of free storage with additional plans starting at $1.99 for 100 GB. If you are big on sharing albums with others for collaborative purposes, Google Photos is a great option.

Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft's cloud storage service may be great for keeping your work documents in the cloud, but it also has a nifty camera uploader that can automatically send your iPhone's camera roll to OneDrive. With the desktop app, you can access and download pics to your computer. You can also download them onto any device by visiting OneDrive Live and logging into your account.

On iOS, you can simply toggle the Camera Backup feature on and all of the pictures on your device will be uploaded to the company's storage service. It has great organization tools, like adding tags and creating albums. And, you can share files and albums with others by inviting them to collaborate or sending a link. Use OneDrive alongside Microsoft Office apps, like PowerPoint, to import pictures into documents.

If you tend to use Microsoft's suite of productivity apps, OneDrive is a great app for having direct access to your photos from other Office apps.


Dropbox is an incredibly useful cloud storage service for backing up all kinds of documents. Like OneDrive, it also has an automatic camera uploader that will constantly update with your newly taken photos. These images can be viewed right in the Dropbox app for iOS, or using the desktop app. When you log into your Dropbox account via the web, you can access your photos anywhere.

You can add comments to photos and include names from your contacts, which will notify each person that is mentioned. You can create new folders and share them with other Dropbox users. You can also send a link that will allow the recipient to view pictures without needing to be logged into a Dropbox account.

If you want to be able to share your photos with anyone, whether they have an account or not, Dropbox makes it easy to upload everything on your computer and share it with others.

Anything Else?

Do you have a favorite photo backup service? What are some of its features that make it the best option for you?

Apple's hardware technologies chief gets profiled, reveals iPad Pro development woes

Posted: 18 Feb 2016 06:55 AM PST

A new profile on Apple's newly-minted Senior Vice President of Hardware Technologies, Johny Srouji, has shed some light on the development process of Apple's most recent tablet, the iPad Pro. The 12.9-inch device hit store shelves in fall 2015, but it was originally slated for earlier in the year, with hardware issues causing Apple to push its release back. The Pro was also set to use Apple's A8X system-on-a-chip, which had launched in fall 2014 with the iPad Air 2.

Not wanting the iPad Pro to under-perform next to the upcoming, A9-powered iPhone 6s, Srouji pushed the development of Apple's next tablet chip, according to Bloomberg:

The iPad Pro was important: It was Apple's attempt to sell tablets to business customers. And it would look feeble next to the iPhone 6s. So Srouji put his engineers on a crash program to move up the rollout of a new tablet processor, the A9X, by half a year. The engineers finished in time, and the Pro hit the market with the faster chip and a 12.9-inch display packed with 5.6 million pixels

The profile also delves into Apple's inspiration for creating its own chips, an effort that Srouji helped lead. The original iPhone faced limitations due to its components, which were purchased from a variety of different outlets.

"Steve came to the conclusion that the only way for Apple to really differentiate and deliver something truly unique and truly great, you have to own your own silicon," Srouji says. "You have to control and own it."

The profile also claims that Apple's rumored 4-inch iPhone 5se and iPad Air 3 will be powered by the A9 and A9X chips, respectively. This lines up with a number of earlier reports.

You can check out the whole profile on Srouji at Bloomberg.

Source: Bloomberg

Microsoft plans to have you video calling groups of friends by the end of March

Posted: 18 Feb 2016 06:14 AM PST

Microsoft has announced plans to have the world video calling groups of friends on Skype by the end of March. The company posted the announcement, which covers Android-powered tablets and phones, as well as the iPhone and iPad. Roll out has commenced in Western Europe and the U.S., with hopes to have these markets fully covered in the next couple of weeks.

Calling your loved ones, family and friends simultaneously will unlocked high-definition video playback with the person talking displayed clearly in view. Microsoft has also ensured audio quality will be of a high standard thanks to the SILK Super Wide Band audio codec, which was developed in collaboration with Intel for hardware utilizing the manufacturer's processors.

"We've built an experience optimized for mobile and tablet screens. You can flip between a highly immersive grid view that makes you feel like you're in the same room, or you can switch to focus view where Skype automatically focuses on the active speaker, or lets you choose which participant to 'Pin' to the stage. The latter view works particularly well when you have a large group on the call."

It's a neat feature that will enable anyone on all platforms to join in group chats, regardless as to where they may be, or what device they happen to have at hand. What's more is Microsoft has also increased the number of people who can be part of a single video call from 5 up to 25. Be sure to check you have the latest version of Skype installed and you should be good to go when the roll out hits your devices.

Source: Skype

Keep your iPhone charged on-the-go with iBOLT's iPro2 Car Dock — now 52% off!

Posted: 18 Feb 2016 05:02 AM PST

This sturdy car dock provides an easy way to travel with your iPhone, keep it charged, and use it for navigation — all at the same time. The integrated Lightning cable plugs into a car charging adapter (sold separately), and the mount itself can be used on the dashboard or windshield of your vehicle. Grab one today while it's only $28.95!

Dr. Dre's show is all about driving Apple Music subscriptions

Posted: 18 Feb 2016 05:00 AM PST

Ready to make some TV so back on up, 'cause you know Dre's about to rip $#!+ up!

A couple days ago it was reported that Dr. Dre would be starring in a new show for Apple — a show aimed at adults. That caused... Some confusion. Why would Apple kickstart its own shows with Dr. Dre, and with an adult-oriented show?

Peter Kafka, writing for re/code, touched on the rationale:

Apple has already been financing video content it uses to market Apple Music — "to extend Apple Music," in the words of an insider. And it's doing that with the Dre show. Full stop.

Simply put, Apple isn't starting a streaming video service. The company is creating content it thinks will drive subscriptions to an existing service — Apple Music.

Just like Game of Thrones drives subscriptions to HBO and Jessica Jones drives subscriptions to Netflix, Apple can use Dre to appeal to at least one market they want to attract — one that will subscribe just to see Dre being Dre. Maybe they'll also like all the music that comes with it and get even more value from the service, or maybe they'll simply stick around for the next episode, season, or show. It doesn't matter, as long as they stick around.

It's how subscription services work, and why you seldom if ever see traditional "ratings" for HBO or Netflix. It isn't about how successful a show is at attracting viewers to any particular episode. It's about how successful a show is at getting people to subscribe to the service.

Hot on the heels of Straight Outta Compton, filled with sex and violence, a Dr. Dre show could absolutely do just that for Apple Music.

What's more, it could also open the door to other programming designed with the same purpose but other markets — and programming that could look very different than what we expect from Apple or currently get from other streaming services.

If done right, it could also build itself into a full video catalog, for whenever the company wants to pull that switch. And that's very Apple.

Would you subscribe to Apple Music to watch Dre's show? Would any show get you to subscribe? Let us know!

Fixing iTunes: To the iCloud!

Posted: 18 Feb 2016 04:00 AM PST

Any use-case sufficiently different than your own is indistinguishable from bloat.

iTunes was originally based on SoundJam MP, an MP3 player and sync app Apple acquired in 2000. The launch of iTunes in 2001, alongside the iPod and, eventually, the iPhone, drove Apple's resurgence and led to the greatest financial comeback in the history of... history. Yet our greatest strengths are often our greatest weaknesses, and while iTunes continues to serve more people in more ways than ever before, it's now become the poster app for Apple's "software problems".

So, what can be done about it?

The impossible job

I've previously called the job has been given "impossible". There are simply too many different use-cases, for too many different services and devices, for any single app to elegantly handle them all.

Because hundreds of millions people alone depend on use cases that end with an offline iPod syncing via USB to a Windows PC, and involve huge libraries of content downloaded and ripped from non-Apple sources, shows both the depth and breadth of the problem — how do you move forward without leaving those people behind? And how do you do it without threatening the billions and billions of dollars of transactions that go through iTunes every year?

Certainly everyone inside the Apple feels the same pains as we do on the outside. We have the luxury of complaining about it, though. They have the equally impossible task of actually doing It.

There are simply too many different use-cases for too many different services and devices for any single app to elegantly handle them all.

All it takes to say "reboot iTunes!" or "break it up like on iOS!" is frustration and a keyboard. Fixing it takes a ton of engineering and expectation management.

Apple has done the former several times already. iMovie, Final Cut X and Logic X, the iWork apps and Photos were all rebooted. The Mac App Store and iBooks for Mac were broken out like on iOS. That all of those reboots and breakouts have causes as much vocal frustration as keeping iTunes monolithic should immediately dispel any misguided belief in either alone as a panacea.

As much as we all say we want change, the vast majority of us are still going to hate it in whole or in part. Because it will be different. And it will hurt.

iTunes of iCloud

When you need to replace a bridge, you don't simply blow up the old bridge and then start work on a new one. Not unless your goal is absolute disaster. Instead, you start building one or more new bridges first and then you carefully start redirecting people onto them.

The first new bridge for iTunes feels like it needs to be iCloud.

The iTunes Store has always been an online service providing digital downloads. The infrastructure is likely old and needs to evolve as much the app does — a topic for a future installment — but in concept it's always been where it needs to be.

What has to move to iCloud now is the iTunes media interface. Sure, I'd love to be able to access my iTunes music, movies, and TV shows from any web browser, but the primary reason for this is to start removing the need to port iTunes to Windows.

Apple never made Mail, Calendar, Contacts, Notes, or Reminders for Windows, the company simply made Likewise, Apple never made the iWork apps for Windows. The company brought them to

Making iTunes music, movies, TV shows, podcasts, and the rest available from any web browser means iTunes would no longer need to be as easily and singularly portable to Windows, and that means it would no longer need to be so monolithic.

Syncing older, offline iPods and making backups of purchased content would still have to be addressed, but that's the topic for the next installment.

Products vs. services

App Store not withstanding, iTunes music, movies, and TV shows have reportedly always run at break even or at a very low (for Apple) profit. The content wasn't meant to be a huge revenue generator but to make the iPod, and now iPhone and iPad, more valuable.

Thanks to the digital rights management (DRM) mandated by the media companies that own the content Apple provides, it also creates a lock-in. Music may have gone DRM-free years ago, but movies and TV shows absolutely have not.

So, some might think there'd be a concern at Apple that letting go of that lock-in by making iTunes content available on the web would lessen the value of iPods, iPhone, and iPad.

The truth is, Apple doesn't want or need third-party lock-ins. The company fought for DRM-free music despite it lessening the lock-in. My guess is they'd be just as happy with DRM-free video. Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Google, and others have already made ubiquitous alternatives, reducing video to a commodity you can get with or without iTunes. If Apple really wants a video lock-in for the future, a streaming service seems a more likely direction.

Either way, Apple has enough first-part lock-ins, like iMessage and Apple Pay, that third-party lock-ins shouldn't be a concern.

Baby leaps

With the positioning of the iMac as "digital hub", Apple sought to solve for content by putting everything you owned all in one place — locally on a machine that would sync it to all your Apple devices. With the advent of iCloud, Apple started to allow some of that burden to move from local to online.

Moving slowly is a smart strategy — when you need to build a new bridge, you can't blow up the old one until you're finished.

Most of it was management — buying, downloading, and re-downloading from any device on your account to any device on your account. With iTunes Preview, web pages were made for all the items in the iTunes store. With Apple started to provide access to data and even some apps like iWork right from the browser. With Apple TV and Apple Music, the company even began to breakdown the traditional buy-and-download model, offering streaming and subscriptions.

The steps, tentative as they may be, have been taken. The pieces, as they say, are slowly moving into place.

Moving slowly is a smart strategy — again, when you need to build a new bridge, you can't blow up the old one until you're finished. Often, not until long after you've finished. There are still today hundreds of millions of people who sync local content from a PC to an iPod or iOS device using iTunes and they'll need to be able to keep doing that today, tomorrow, and for a while to come.

The rest of us, though, the ones not only ready but waiting for the Cloud, would be able to begin the transition. And that's all it takes to start lessening Apple's almost Microsoftian legacy burden.

Next steps

Even when iTunes moves to there's still a lot of work left to be done. There's syncing offline devices, backing up purchased content, integrating local content, and more. We're talking about pixels and bits that handle irreplaceable personal music collections and billions of dollars of transactions.

'Fixing iTunes' requires more care, consideration, patience, and ingenuity than any other product in Apple's portfolio.

There are signs — including iTunes Match for moving music collections to the cloud and Apple Music for making us less dependent on collections — that the transition is already underway.

Still, at some point the bigger switch will need to be flipped, and we'll need to enter the post-iTunes era. All I plead is that they do it on the back of a giant neon "beta" sign.

Live Photos and 3D Touch take center stage in latest iPhone 6s ads

Posted: 17 Feb 2016 05:27 PM PST

Apple has released a pair of new commercials showing off the merits of 3D Touch and Live Photos on the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus.

In an ad titled "Less Time," Apple highlights 3D Touch and how much time it can save on all of your little tasks throughout the day. Everything is covered from peeking at a website or video to shoe shopping. Apple even enlisted a little (humorous) help from actress Aubrey Plaza to show off how you can quickly check flight info from an email with 3D Touch. Just don't get too distracted.

The second ad (below) takes a look at Live Photos on the latest iPhones, briefly showing off some of the fun ways the feature can spice up ordinary pictures that you may take throughout the day. Though, as Apple points at the end of the ad, don't expect Live Photos to go so far as to take you on a trip through space and time.

Apple Pay officially launches in China

Posted: 17 Feb 2016 04:06 PM PST

Apple Pay has officially launched in China with support for more than 80% of the country's credit and debit cards.

Just two months after Apple first announced it's intention to bring Apple Pay to China, the mobile transaction service has now been officially launched. Reuters reports:

The U.S. firm has 19 of China's biggest lenders as partners. That means 80 percent of China's credit and debit cards are eligible for Apple Pay, usable at about one-third of all locations that accept those cards, Apple's Bailey said.

Apple partnered with China UnionPay to bring Apple Pay to the country, making it the fifth launch country behind the U.S., UK, Australia and Canada. While Apple Pay has enjoyed rapid growth since its 2014 launch, garnering support from over 1,000 banks in the U.S. and a total of 2 million merchant locations, China has the potential to accelerate that momentum by quite a bit thanks to the size of the market.

In a related announcement, Apple has informed developers that they can now support Apple Pay in their apps for customers in China:

You can now support Apple Pay for your customers in China, providing an easy, secure, and private way for them to pay using their China UnionPay credit and debit cards. Apple Pay lets users buy physical goods and services within your app without having to enter payment or contact information.

Will you be using Apple Pay in China? Let us know!

Fandango just snapped up Rotten Tomatoes and Flixster

Posted: 17 Feb 2016 02:12 PM PST

Fandango, best known for their movie ticket purchasing service, will acquire the Flixster movie app and its well-known Rotten Tomatoes movie review ratings brand. The specific financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Deadline has the news on the deal:

"Flixster and Rotten Tomatoes are invaluable resources for movie fans, and we look forward to growing these successful properties, driving more theatrical ticketing and super-serving consumers with all their movie needs," Fandango President Paul Yanover said in a statement. "Our new expanded network will offer unparalleled capabilities for all of our exhibition, studio and promotional partners to reach a massive entertainment audience with innovative marketing and ticketing solutions that benefit from original content, home entertainment products, 'super tickets,' gifts with purchase and other new promotional opportunities."

Warner Bros. Entertainment previously owned Flixster and Rotten Tomatoes; this deal will see Warner Bros. acquire a minority stake in Fandango, which is owned by NBCUniversal. Fandango's ticketing service will be integrated into the Flixter app later this year. Flixster Video won't be included in this deal; its users will be directed to access the upcoming video-on-demand service from Fandango before Flixster Video shuts down later this year.

Source: Deadline

WhatsApp co-founder backs Apple's stance on privacy

Posted: 17 Feb 2016 01:51 PM PST

WhatsApp co-founder Jan Koum took to Facebook to express his support for Tim Cook's letter on privacy. Koum says that he has always admired Cook's stance on user privacy, and agrees with Cook's sentiment that allowing the government to proceed on its current course would set a dangerous precedent.

From Jan Koum:

I have always admired Tim Cook for his stance on privacy and Apple's efforts to protect user data and couldn't agree more with everything said in their Customer Letter today. We must not allow this dangerous precedent to be set. Today our freedom and our liberty is at stake.

Apple published its letter to customers late last night. In the letter, CEO Tim Cook says that Apple cannot comply with a recent court order to unlock the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters, because the order was an "unprecedented step which threatens the security of our customers." Cook went on to say that the company would not create backdoors into its software, which could compromise the security of iOS devices and leave them vulnerable if the keys to those entry points fall into the wrong hands.

Source: Jan Koum (Facebook)

Apple, the FBI, and your privacy under siege

Twitter now lets you record and share videos in direct messages

Posted: 17 Feb 2016 12:39 PM PST

Twitter isn't done rolling out new features today, as the company has just announced that users can now capture and share videos in direct messages. Twitter has long allowed users to send pictures via direct messages by tapping a camera icon next to the text box. However, users will now be able to use that button to record and send private videos back and forth, much like Facebook's Messenger.

This comes shortly after Twitter announced a new dedicated GIF button that allows users to search for GIFs from Giphy and Riffsy before adding them to a tweet or direct message.

Source: Twitter

Tim Cook and Jony Ive talk Campus 2, the Apple Watch, and fashion

Posted: 17 Feb 2016 11:56 AM PST

In a new interview, Apple CEO Tim Cook and Chief Design Office Jony Ive spoke a bit about Apple's new headquarters building, known as Campus 2, which is supposed to be completed later this year. In particular, Cook focused on the green space of the campus, which, in addition to the circular main building, will features a large amount of green space.

From Vogue:

"Hard to know which is more beautiful, the building or that pile of dirt," says Apple CEO Tim Cook with a wide smile on a recent morning, as he stands among the construction crew in their acid-yellow vests and gazes at the tall mountain of soil, its stepped surfaces painted a dark gold by the sun. Not a speck of dirt is to be removed from the campus; instead it will nourish a forest of more than 7,000 trees, which in turn will nourish a village of some 13,000 techies tinkering in silicon.

Jony Ive, on the other hand, discussed Apple's ever-increasing involvement in the world of fashion. The way Ive sees it, technology has advanced to the point where computing can truly be personal, something Apple has been striving for since its inception.

"Nine years ago, the iPhone didn't exist, and the most personal product we had was too big to carry around with you," he explains. "The technology is at last starting to enable something that was the dream of the company from the very beginning—to make technology personal. So personal that you can wear it."

You can read the entire interview with Cook and Ive over at Vogue.

Source: Vogue

You can now order a Domino's pizza right from your Apple Watch

Posted: 17 Feb 2016 10:11 AM PST

Apple Watch owners in the U.S. can now order a pizza from Domino's directly from the smartwatch. The official Domino's Pizza app has been updated today with that added feature.

Previously, the Domino's Pizza app allowed Apple Watch owners to track the progress and delivery of their food order, but now owners can actually order from the smartwatch if they have a Pizza Profile with a saved Easy Order from the company. Domino's says:

Ordering via Apple Watch is the latest addition to a growing list of technology that customers can use to place and track their Easy Order from anywhere, at any time, using any device they want," said Dennis Maloney, Domino's vice president – chief digital officer. "Apple Watch marks Domino's ninth platform in the suite of AnyWare technology."

Domino's in the UK added ordering via the Apple Watch to the app in January.

Source: Domino's

App preview videos come to the Apple TV App Store

Posted: 17 Feb 2016 10:09 AM PST

Developers building software for the new Apple TV can now showcase their app in action on the tvOS App Store with an app preview. In the store, a preview is a short video that shows your app in action, letting customers get a better idea for what the app is like to use before they download it.

From Apple:

Showcase your tvOS app in action by bringing its features and functionality alive with a short video on the App Store for Apple TV. By providing an app preview, you can help customers better understand your app and encourage more downloads.

App previews have been a part of the App Store experience on the iPhone and iPad for a couple of years. Developers can create and upload preview content starting now, and customers should be able to view app previews alongside screenshots in the tvOS App Store soon.

Source: Apple

LINE's Foodie camera will help make your food photos great

Posted: 17 Feb 2016 09:52 AM PST

The company behind the popular LINE Messenger has released a new camera app that puts the focus on your food. Foodie is meant to help you share great shots of your meals, providing a number of filters to make your food look more appetizing. There are also different effects that you can apply, as well as features to help you take better photos of your food.

What you get with Foodie:

  • Over 20 filters customized for taking food photos
  • Amazing photo editing features that transform simple food photos into one-of-a-kind masterpieces
  • Camera shot angle based auto blurring effect
  • Smart guide feature that helps you photograph food from directly above it
  • Share photos to social networks

The Foodie camera app is available now on the App Store.

Twitter is adding a dedicated GIF button with searches powered by Giphy and Riffsy

Posted: 17 Feb 2016 09:29 AM PST

Twitter is adding a dedicated GIF button that will allow you to search GIFs from Giphy and Riffsy to easily add them to your tweets. Whether composing a new tweet or direct message, you'll be able to search and browse a huge collection of GIFs to find the perfect one for your message. You'll be able to browse by category or search by keywords to help you find just the one you are looking for.

The new button will be rolling out to Android, iPhone, iPad and web users over the coming weeks. Be sure to keep an eye out for the new button to appear in your app.

Source: Twitter

This is how Apple recycles your old iPhone

Posted: 17 Feb 2016 09:25 AM PST

While many customers may have some experience with the Apple Recycling Program, which allows you to trade in your old iPhone or iPad, a new article from Bloomberg has given new insight into how the company goes about recycling used devices. The first step is always for the recyclers to either buy the used phone to sell on the second-hand market, or scrap it in a detailed deconstruction process. Apple makes sure to monitor the entire process.

From Bloomberg:

Apple pays for the service and owns every gram, from the used phone at the start to the pile of dust at the end, said Linda Li, chief strategy officer for Li Tong. The journey, consisting of about 10 steps, is controlled, measured and scripted through vacuum-sealed rooms that are designed to capture 100 percent of the chemicals and gasses released during the process, she said.

Interestingly, while other companies allow components from recycled devices to be salvaged for repairs or for use in other products, Apple requires each scrapped iPhone to be completely destroyed. This process is more expensive and time consuming than re-purposing parts, though Apple evidently does this to avoid having fake Apple products pop up on the secondary device market that use some genuine Apple parts or logos.

Once destroyed, the leftover materials like gold and copper are sent to a storage facility. From there, they can be purchased for use in creating furniture, window frames, and other products.

Source: Bloomberg


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